
A la découverte des applications distribuées avec Elixir. Distributed applications with Elixir, a beginners' journey

Home Part 1 Part 3

Phase 2: A Distributed Cache, Without Redundancy, with a Dynamic Cluster

How to Remove a Machine from a Cluster?

A first attempt with Node.stop/0.

% ./scripts/start_master.sh
1>  :rpc.call(:"apothik_1@", Node, :stop, [])
{:error, :not_allowed} 

It doesn’t work. We should have read the documentation more carefully because it only works with nodes started with Node.start/3 and not nodes started from the command line.

In fact, it’s System.stop/0 that does the job:

2> :rpc.call(:"apothik_1@", System, :stop, [])
3> for i<-1..5, do: Master.stat(i)
[{:badrpc, :nodedown}, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Let’s try to fill the cache

5> Master.fill(1, 5000)
6> for i<-1..5, do: Master.stat(i)
[{:badrpc, :nodedown}, 0, 0, 0, 0]

The cache is not filled?? Upon reflection, it’s normal. Master.fill(1,5000) tries to fill it via node 1 which we stopped! Let’s start over. Restart the cluster in the first terminal % ./scripts/start_cluster.sh. And in the second:

% ./scripts/start_master.sh
1> Master.fill(2, 5000)
2> for i<-1..5, do: Master.stat(i)
[1023, 987, 1050, 993, 947]
3> :rpc.call(:"apothik_1@", System, :stop, [])
4> for i<-1..5, do: Master.stat(i)
[{:badrpc, :nodedown}, 987, 1050, 993, 947]

We have indeed lost the 1023 keys from node 1.

Dynamically Monitoring the Server State

The problem is that the number of machines was fixed in Apothik.Cluster with @nb_nodes 5. What we want is for the key_to_node/1 function to automatically adapt to the number of machines that are running.

To do this, we need to monitor the fact that machines are leaving or joining the cluster. This is possible thanks to the :net_kernel.monitor_nodes/1 function which allows a process to subscribe to node lifecycle events.

We update apothik/cluster.ex to monitor the cluster:

defmodule Apothik.Cluster do
  alias Apothik.Cache
  use GenServer

  def nb_nodes(), do: GenServer.call(__MODULE__, :nb_nodes)

  def node_name(i), do: :"apothik_#{i}@"

  def node_list(nb_node) do
    for i <- 1..nb_node, do: node_name(i)

  def list_apothik_nodes() do
    [Node.self() | Node.list()] |> Enum.filter(&apothik?/1) |> Enum.sort()

  def apothik?(node), do: node |> Atom.to_string() |> String.starts_with?("apothik")

  def start_link(args), do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__)

  def get_state(), do: GenServer.call(__MODULE__, :get_state)

  @impl true
  def init(_args) do
    {:ok, list_apothik_nodes()}

  @impl true
  def handle_call(:get_state, _from, state) do
    {:reply, {Node.self(), state}, state}

  def handle_call(:nb_nodes, _from, state) do
    {:reply, length(state), state}

  @impl true
  def handle_info({:nodedown, _node}, _state) do
    nodes = list_apothik_nodes()
    {:noreply, nodes}

  def handle_info({:nodeup, _node}, _state) do
    nodes = list_apothik_nodes()
    {:noreply, nodes}

  def handle_info(msg, state) do
    {:noreply, state}

It’s no longer a simple library but a GenServer that needs to be launched in the supervision tree, from apothik/application.ex

children = [
    {Cluster.Supervisor, [topologies, [name: Apothik.ClusterSupervisor]]},

This GenServer maintains the list of nodes in the cluster (we take the entire list of connected nodes and only keep those whose name starts with apothik. This is what list_apothik_nodes/0 does).

The process subscribes to events in init/1 with :net_kernel.monitor_nodes(true). Then it reacts to {:nodeup, node} and {:nodedown, _node} events. At this stage, we have a GenServer that knows the list of nodes in the cluster at any given time.

Dynamically Adapting the Number of Machines

We have chosen (is it the best solution, the debate is not settled among us) that this dynamic list is immediately communicated to Apothik.Cache. The latter evolves:

Let’s comment a bit more in detail

  def handle_call({:key_to_node, k}, _from, {nodes, _mem} = state) do
    node = Enum.at(nodes, :erlang.phash2(k, length(nodes)))
    {:reply, node, state}

phash2 returns a number between 0 and the number of cluster nodes - 1. This number no longer directly corresponds to a server name but to an index in the list of nodes. We can see that the same key before and after a server leaves is very likely to end up in a different place.

A Small Test: Removing a Machine

To simplify our lives, we add in .iex.exs

  def kill(i) do
    :rpc.call(:"apothik_#{i}@", System, :stop, [0])
  def cluster(i) do
    :rpc.call(:"apothik_#{i}@", Apothik.Cluster, :get_state, [])

We restart the cluster (`/scripts/start_cluster.sh) and start experimenting:

 % ./scripts/start_master.sh
1> Master.fill(1,5000)
2> Master.stat
[{1, 1026}, {2, 996}, {3, 1012}, {4, 1021}, {5, 945}]
3> (for {_, n} <- Master.stat, is_integer(n), do: n) |> Enum.sum
4> Master.kill(2)
5> Master.stat
[{1, 1026}, {2, {:badrpc, :nodedown}}, {3, 1012}, {4, 1021}, {5, 945}]
6> (for {_, n} <- Master.stat, is_integer(n), do: n) |> Enum.sum
7> Master.fill(1,5000)
8> (for {_, n} <- Master.stat, is_integer(n), do: n) |> Enum.sum

After filling the cache with 5000 values, we remove node 2. We have indeed lost about 1000 values (996 to be precise). We refill the cache with the same 5000 values. We then see that there are not 5000 additional values. Indeed, some keys were in the right place. There were 8056-4004=4052 entries created in the cache memory, which means that 5000-4052= 948 values did not migrate to a different node. This is somewhat normal, as when we went from 5 to 4 machines, the keys were randomly rebalanced. There was therefore a 20% (or 25%, I’ll let the commentators tell us) probability that some keys were in the right place.

Second Attempt: Adding a Machine

Now, we can do the reverse experiment, i.e., adding a machine. Let’s start from scratch by restarting the cluster in one terminal with ./scripts/start_cluster.sh and, in another terminal:

% ./scripts/start_master.sh 
1> Master.kill(2)
2> Master.fill(1,5000)
3> Master.stat
[{1, 1228}, {2, {:badrpc, :nodedown}}, {3, 1290}, {4, 1228}, {5, 1254}]

We have filled the cache on a 4-node cluster. Now, let’s open another terminal to restart the apothik_2 node that we just stopped: elixir --name apothik_2@ -S mix run --no-halt

Back in the master terminal:

4> Master.stat
[  {1, 1228},  {2, 0},  {3, 1290},  {4, 1228},  {5, 1254}]
5> Master.fill(1,5000)
6> Master.stat
[  {1, 2032},  {2, 996},  {3, 2027},  {4, 2027},  {5, 1970}]

This is positive: the node has been automatically reintegrated into the cluster! The goal is achieved.

We can see a random rebalancing of keys across the 5 nodes, which leads the nodes to keep unnecessary keys in memory (about 1000).

We leave it to you to try adding a new machine apothik_6 and observe what happens.

Interlude: Cleaning Up a Bit

We went as fast as possible when we added node tracking to the cluster. Remember, Apothik.Cluster tracks nodes entering and leaving the cluster and informs Apothik.Cache of each change. The latter is a GenServer that maintains the cluster state in its state.

But this leads to something very ugly: every time we make a request to the cache, we make a request to the Apothik.Cache process to calculate the node for the key via a GenServer.call.

Specifically, when we run :rpc.call(:"apothik_1@", Apothik.Cache, :get, [:a_key]) from the master, a process is launched on apothik_1 to execute the Apothik.Cache.get/1 code. This process then asks the process named Apothik.Cache on the apothik_1 node which node stores the key :a_key (let’s say node 2), then asks the Apothik.Cache process on node apothik_2 for the value stored for a_key. This value is then sent to the calling process on the master that executes the :rpc. It’s quite dizzying that all this works effortlessly. The magic of Erlang, once again.

But this initial round trip of key_to_node/1 can be avoided. We need to store information accessible by all processes on the node. The solution has long existed in the Erlang world. It’s the famous Erlang Term Storage, or ets.

After adaptation, the cache looks like this:

defmodule Apothik.Cache do
  use GenServer
  alias Apothik.Cluster
  require Logger

  (... same as before ...)

  def update_nodes(nodes) do
    GenServer.call(__MODULE__, {:update_nodes, nodes})

  def start_link(args), do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__)

  # Implementation

  defp key_to_node(k) do
    [{_, nodes}] = :ets.lookup(:cluster_nodes_list, :cluster_nodes)
    Enum.at(nodes, :erlang.phash2(k, length(nodes)))

  @impl true
  def init(_args) do
    :ets.new(:cluster_nodes_list, [:named_table, :set, :protected])
    :ets.insert(:cluster_nodes_list, {:cluster_nodes, Cluster.get_state()})
    {:ok, %{}}

  @impl true
  def handle_call({:get, k}, _from, state) do
    {:reply, Map.get(state, k), state}

  def handle_call({:put, k, v}, _from, state) do
    {:reply, :ok, Map.put(state, k, v)}

  def handle_call({:delete, k}, _from, state) do
    {:reply, :ok, Map.delete(state, k)}

  def handle_call(:stats, _from, state) do
    {:reply, map_size(state), state}

  def handle_call({:update_nodes, nodes}, _from, state) do
    Logger.info("Updating nodes: #{inspect(nodes)}")
    :ets.insert(:cluster_nodes_list, {:cluster_nodes, nodes})
    {:reply, :ok, state}

  @impl true
  def handle_info(msg, state) do
    {:noreply, state}

Note, in init/1:

:ets.new(:cluster_nodes_list, [:named_table, :set, :protected])
:ets.insert(:cluster_nodes_list, {:cluster_nodes, Cluster.get_state()})

We use a named table :cluster_nodes_list, in which only the creator process can write but which is accessible by all processes on the node. This is the meaning of the :protected option. In this table, which behaves like a map, we have a single key :cluster_nodes_list that contains the list of cluster nodes.

We have achieved our goal, as key_to_node/1 can now execute directly:

defp key_to_node(k) do
    [{_, nodes}] = :ets.lookup(:cluster_nodes_list, :cluster_nodes)
    Enum.at(nodes, :erlang.phash2(k, length(nodes)))

We leave it to you to verify that everything works well. End of the interlude!

Critique of the Current Functionality and Possible Solution

Something doesn’t sit right with us. The arrival or departure of a node in the cluster is catastrophic. All keys are rebalanced. This leads to a cache that will suddenly drop in performance each time such an event occurs, as the keys will no longer be available. Additionally, the memory will be filled with unnecessary keys. Ultimately, an event that should be local, or even insignificant in the case of a very large cluster, disrupts the entire cluster. How can we make the distribution of keys less sensitive to the cluster’s structure?

After discussing among ourselves and jotting down a few pages of notes, a solution is forming. As is often the case in computing, the solution is to add a level of indirection.

The idea is to use tokens (let’s fix the idea with 1000 tokens, numbered from 0 to 999). We will distribute the keys on the tokens and not the machines, with something like :erlang.phash2(k, @nb_tokens). This number of tokens is fixed. There is no creation or deletion of tokens when a server joins or leaves the cluster. The tokens are distributed across the machines. The arrival or departure of a machine will lead to a redistribution of tokens. But we control this redistribution, so we can ensure it minimally affects the rebalancing of keys.

Implementation of the Solution

First remark, Apothik.Cluster does not change. Its responsibility is to track the state of the cluster and notify Apothik.Cache. End of story.

At the initialization of the cache, we distribute the @nb_tokens equally among the machines. With 5 machines and 1000 tokens, apothik_1 will receive tokens from 0 to 199, etc. The tokens are stored in the :ets table by associating the node name with its list of tokens using :ets.insert(:cluster_nodes_list, {node, tokens}).

The first important point is key_to_node/1. We first find the token associated with the key. Then we go through the nodes until we find the one associated with the token. Here is what it looks like:

  defp key_to_node(k) do
    landing_token = :erlang.phash2(k, @nb_tokens)
    nodes_tokens = :ets.match(:cluster_nodes_list, {:"$1", :"$2"})

    Enum.reduce_while(nodes_tokens, nil, fn [node, tokens], _ ->
      if landing_token in tokens, do: {:halt, node}, else: {:cont, nil}

The second point is the management of arrival and departure events. The first step is to determine the type of event (arrival or departure). This is done in def handle_call({:update_nodes, nodes}, _from, state) by comparing the new list of nodes provided to the one present in the ets table.

When a node is removed from the cluster, its tokens are distributed as equally as possible among the other nodes. When a node is added to the cluster, we remove the same number of tokens from each node to give to the new one. The number of tokens removed is calculated so that the number of tokens is equally distributed after the redistribution.

Here is what it looks like (the code, although somewhat commented, is not very elegant and would probably benefit from a cleanup pass):

defmodule Apothik.Cache do
  use GenServer
  alias Apothik.Cluster
  require Logger

  @nb_tokens 1000

  (... same as before ...)

  # Convenience function to access the current token distribution on the nodes
  def get_tokens(), do: :ets.match(:cluster_nodes_list, {:"$1", :"$2"})

  def start_link(args), do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: __MODULE__)

  # Implementation

  defp key_to_node(k) do
    # Find the token associated with the key k
    landing_token = :erlang.phash2(k, @nb_tokens)
    # Retrieve the tokens per node
    nodes_tokens = :ets.match(:cluster_nodes_list, {:"$1", :"$2"})

    Enum.reduce_while(nodes_tokens, nil, fn [node, tokens], _ ->
      if landing_token in tokens, do: {:halt, node}, else: {:cont, nil}

  def add_node(added, previous_nodes_tokens) do
    added_node = hd(added)
    previous_nodes = for [node, _] <- previous_nodes_tokens, do: node
    target_tokens_per_node = div(@nb_tokens, length(previous_nodes) + 1)

    # Collect a "toll" from each node to give to the new node
    {tokens_for_added_node, tolled_nodes_tokens} =
        # {collected tokens, adjusted list of tokens per nodes}
        {[], []},
        fn [node, tokens], {tolls, target_nodes_tokens} ->
          {remainder, toll} = Enum.split(tokens, target_tokens_per_node)
          {tolls ++ toll, [{node, remainder} | target_nodes_tokens]}

    # Update table : add the new node and update the tokens per node for existing ones
    [{added_node, tokens_for_added_node} | tolled_nodes_tokens]
    |> Enum.each(fn {node, tokens} ->
      :ets.insert(:cluster_nodes_list, {node, tokens})

  def remove_node(removed, previous_nodes_tokens) do
    removed_node = hd(removed)

    # Retrieve  available tokens from the removed node and remove the node from the list
    {[[_, tokens_to_share]], remaining_nodes} =
      Enum.split_with(previous_nodes_tokens, fn [node, _] -> node == removed_node end)

    # Distribute the tokens evenly among the remaining nodes
    |> split_evenly(length(remaining_nodes))
    |> Enum.zip(remaining_nodes)
    |> Enum.each(fn {tokens_chunk, [node, previous_tokens]} ->
      :ets.insert(:cluster_nodes_list, {node, previous_tokens ++ tokens_chunk})

    # remove the node from the table
    :ets.delete(:cluster_nodes_list, removed_node)

  @impl true
  def init(_args) do
    # Initialize the :ets table
    :ets.new(:cluster_nodes_list, [:named_table, :set, :protected])
    # Retrieve the current list of nodes
    {_, nodes} = Cluster.get_state()
    # Distribute evenly the tokens over the nodes in the cluster and store them in the :ets table
    number_of_tokens_per_node = div(@nb_tokens, length(nodes))

    0..(@nb_tokens - 1)
    |> Enum.chunk_every(number_of_tokens_per_node)
    |> Enum.zip(nodes)
    |> Enum.each(fn {tokens, node} ->
      :ets.insert(:cluster_nodes_list, {node, tokens})

    {:ok, %{}}

  def handle_call({:update_nodes, nodes}, _from, state) do
    previous_nodes_tokens = :ets.match(:cluster_nodes_list, {:"$1", :"$2"})
    previous_nodes = for [node, _] <- previous_nodes_tokens, do: node
    # Is it a nodedown or a nodeup event ? and identify the added or removed node
    added = MapSet.difference(MapSet.new(nodes), MapSet.new(previous_nodes)) |> MapSet.to_list()
    removed = MapSet.difference(MapSet.new(previous_nodes), MapSet.new(nodes)) |> MapSet.to_list()

    cond do
      length(added) == 1 -> add_node(added, previous_nodes_tokens)
      length(removed) == 1 -> remove_node(removed, previous_nodes_tokens)
      true -> :ok

    {:reply, :ok, state}


  # Utility function
  # Split a list into chunks of same length
  def split_evenly([], acc, _), do: Enum.reverse(acc)
  def split_evenly(l, acc, 1), do: Enum.reverse([l | acc])

  def split_evenly(l, acc, n) do
    {chunk, rest} = Enum.split(l, max(1, div(length(l), n)))
    split_evenly(rest, [chunk | acc], n - 1)

  def split_evenly(l, n), do: split_evenly(l, [], n)

(note that split_evenly/2 was added because probably incorrect usage of Enum.chunk_every/3 was causing us to lose tokens. Sometimes, it’s easier to code your own solution).

We add in .iex.exs to check how the tokens move:

  def get_tokens(i) do
    :rpc.call(:"apothik_#{i}@", Apothik.Cache, :get_tokens, [])
  def check_tokens(i) do
    tk = get_tokens(i)
     (for [_n,t]<-tk, do: t) |> List.flatten() |> Enum.uniq() |> length

Temporarily, we change the number of tokens to @nb_tokens 10.

% ./scripts/start_master.sh
1> Master.get_tokens(1)
  [:"apothik_5@", ~c"\b\t"],
  [:"apothik_4@", [6, 7]],
  [:"apothik_3@", [4, 5]],
  [:"apothik_2@", [2, 3]],
  [:"apothik_1@", [0, 1]]

We set @nb_tokens 1000 back and restart everything:

% ./scripts/start_master.sh
1> Master.check_tokens(1)

It works, now what happens if we remove a node?

2> Master.fill(1,5000)
3> Master.stat
[  {1, 1016},  {2, 971},  {3, 970},  {4, 985},  {5, 1058}]
4> Master.kill(2)
5> Master.fill(1,5000)
6> Master.stat
[  {1, 1265},  {2, {:badrpc, :nodedown}},  {3, 1238},  {4, 1224},  {5, 1273} ]
7> Master.check_tokens(1)

In another terminal, we restart apothik_2: % elixir --name apothik_2@ -S mix run --no-halt. Back in the master terminal:

8> Master.stat
[  {1, 1265},  {2, 0},  {3, 1238},  {4, 1224},  {5, 1273} ]
9> Master.fill(1,5000)
10> Master.stat
[  {1, 1265},  {2, 971},  {3, 1238},  {4, 1224},  {5, 1273}]
11> Master.check_tokens(1)
12> for [_n,t]<-Master.get_tokens(1), do: length(t)
[200, 200, 200, 200, 200]

We haven’t lost any tokens in the process, and they are evenly distributed after apothik_2 returns.

What happens in the server memories? The keys of apothik_2 were indeed lost when it died. When we reload the system with the same keys, we distribute about 1000 keys to the others. After its return and a reload, we end up with a surplus of 265+238+224+273=1000 keys. This is consistent.

The Emergence of the “Hash Ring”

A remark: we designed our token redistribution system without much thought. We first suspect that it could drift (i.e., we could move away from an equitable distribution. In any case, this remains to be tested). But above all, we suspect that there must be an optimal approach to token distribution to ensure minimal changes.

This is typically the moment when we think: “I’m discovering a domain and stumbling upon a very complicated question. Smarter people have already thought about the problem and put it in a library.” We haven’t found the answer, but at least we understand the question a bit!

And of course, the answer exists. We recommend checking out libring or ex_hash_ring from Discord. It’s called the “Hash ring”. The idea is to imagine that the tokens (numbered from 0 to 999) are located on a circle. Each node will take care of an arc of contiguous values. This is what we did initially, with apothik_1 taking care of the arc 0..199, etc. We just need to remember a single reference number per node, for example, the upper bound of the arc. Here, it would be 199. apothik_5 would be at 0 because we reason modulo 1000. Hence the idea of the circle. To know the node that takes care of token n, we just need to find the node whose reference value is the first one greater than n.

One might wonder how to ensure a good distribution of nodes, meaning they have arcs of comparable sizes. The first idea is to use the same hash function on the node name. But there are other refinements, including ensuring that the arcs have unequal sizes, but in a controlled and desired way.

When a node joins the cluster, it is positioned somewhere on the circle and will share the work with the node in charge of the arc it lands on. If the node returns from the dead with the same name and its position is deterministic relative to its name, it will take the same place, which is optimal.

Let’s remove all our token musings and use libring (add {:libring, "~> 1.7"} in the dependencies).

Here’s what it looks like:

defmodule Apothik.Cache do

(...remove everything related to tokens and update the functions below...)

  defp key_to_node(k) do
    [{_, ring}] = :ets.lookup(:cluster_nodes_list, :cluster_ring)
    HashRing.key_to_node(ring, k)

  def init(_args) do
    :ets.new(:cluster_nodes_list, [:named_table, :set, :protected])
    {_, nodes} = Cluster.get_state()
    :ets.insert(:cluster_nodes_list, {:cluster_ring, HashRing.new() |> HashRing.add_nodes(nodes)})
    {:ok, %{}}

  def handle_call({:update_nodes, nodes}, _from, state) do
    ring = HashRing.new() |> HashRing.add_nodes(nodes)
    :ets.insert(:cluster_nodes_list, {:cluster_ring, ring})

    {:reply, :ok, state}


It’s simpler, isn’t it? Well, not sure if our idea of using ets is the best. In any case, it works and it’s enough for us for now.

A Brief Summary of Phase 2:

We have a distributed system that automatically reacts to nodes joining and leaving the cluster. We also improved the initial solution to make it less sensitive to changes (nodes joining and leaving). By the way, our solution is no longer sensitive to the node name (any node whose name starts with apothik can join the cluster).

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